Events and Remarks

Staff and experts with the Arms Control Association periodically host or participate in events to inform policymakers, journalists, and the public about important developments in arms control.

If you have any questions about our events or wish to secure a speaker, contact Tony Fleming, Director for Communications, at (202) 463-8270 ext. 110.

Below find remarks by Arms Control Association staff, board members, and experts at recent events.

Prepared Remarks by Daryl G. Kimball to the ICAS 2006 Fall Symposium on Korean Peninsula Issues

Prepared Remarks by Tom Z. Collina, Research Director, Arms Control Association delivered August 29, 2011 at the Palais de Nacions in Geneva at a meeting organized by the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and the Mission of Kazakhstan to the International Organizations in Geneva.

Since the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the catastrophic effects of nuclear weapons have driven global leaders to pursue concrete steps to reduce the threat of nuclear weapons use.

Arms Control and Nonproliferation Restraints at Risk
2017 Arms Control Association Annual Meeting

Special briefing with Admiral (ret.) Michael Mullen, Rose Gottemoeller, and Lt. Gen. (ret.) Frank Klotz

Keynote by Rep. Howard Berman, with a panel featuring Robert Gallucci, Matthew Bunn and Jack Mendelsohn

Remarks of Daryl G. Kimball, Executive Director, for the “Practical Steps to Zero Nuclear Weapons,”
Ottawa, Canada

As the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) considers its quarterly report on Iran’s nuclear program and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad prepares to address the UN General Assembly, the Arms Control Association invites you to join an expert panel discussion addressing important questions including:

The Arms Control Association will host a briefing with a group of top experts to analyze the implications of the new Trump nuclear strategy.

Prepared Remarks by Wade Boese, Research Director, Arms Control Association

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, March 31 3:00-5:00

The Pentagon's new strategic guidance released on Jan. 5 by President Obama and Defense Secretary Panetta said: "It is possible that our deterrence goals can be achieved with a smaller nuclear force, which would reduce the number of nuclear weapons in our inventory as well as their role in U.S. national security strategy."

Panel by Arms Control Association and 10th Annual International Nuclear Materials Policy Forum
Presentation by Daryl G. Kimball for the Korea Economic Institute

Prepared Comments by Daryl G. Kimball for Nonproliferation Policy Education Center and the Foreign Policy Initiative Forum on “Tightening Nuclear Nonproliferation Rules: What Congress’ Role Should Be”
May 16, 2012

Over the past year, Iran and the P5+1 have made significant progress on long-term solutions on several challenging issues.