Events and Remarks

Staff and experts with the Arms Control Association periodically host or participate in events to inform policymakers, journalists, and the public about important developments in arms control.

If you have any questions about our events or wish to secure a speaker, contact Tony Fleming, Director for Communications, at (202) 463-8270 ext. 110.

Below find remarks by Arms Control Association staff, board members, and experts at recent events.

Presentation by Daryl G. Kimball to 18th UN Conference on Disarmament Issues in Yokohama, Japan

Remarks by ACA Executive Director Daryl G. Kimball at the First Annual Strategic Deterrence Symposium on July 29, 2009.

Transcript and Video Available. Keynote Speakers Include:  Ellen Tauscher, Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr. (D-Pennsylvania), and Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-New Hampshire).