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Press Room
The Arms Control Association works to keep the public and the press informed about breaking arms control developments. Below you will find our latest press releases and media advisories.
Journalists and Producers: If you are interested in speaking with or scheduling an interview with one of our experts, please contact our communications team.
“We welcome President Trump’s interest in negotiating a deal to limit and reduce the massive nuclear arsenals of the United States and Russia,” said Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association.
Since 2007, the independent, nongovernmental Arms Control Association has nominated individuals and institutions that have, in the previous 12 months, advanced effective arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament solutions and raised awareness of the threats and the human impacts posed by mass casualty weapons.
There is no plausible military scenario, no morally defensible reason, nor any legally justifiable basis for threatening or using nuclear weapons first—if at all.
The Arms Control Association warmly congratulates Nihon Hidankyo (the Japan Confederation of A & H Sufferers) for the well-deserved recognition from the Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize Committee.
The Arms Control Association strongly condemns Iran’s Oct. 1 ballistic missile attack against Israel in response to Israel's bombardment of targets in Lebanon, its assassination of Hezbollah leaders, and its rejection of international appeals for a cease fire.
The Pentagon review of the program claims that there are no alternatives to the Sentinel program that could meet their "requirements" for 400 missiles through the year 2070.
The Biden administration internal review of Israel's use of U.S.-provided weapons in Gaza side-steps the question of whether the weapons were used in a manner consistent with U.S. and international humanitarian law.
April 4, Daryl G. Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association, and Carol Giacomo, editor of Arms Control Today, interview Assistant Secretary Mallory Stewart on engaging Russia and China on Arms Control.
The Arms Control Association joins a prestigious group of organizations specializing in humanitarian assistance and international security on a letter to President Joe Biden to express our deep concern regarding continued U.S. security assistance to Israel despite Israeli restrictions on humanitarian aid, an apparent violation of U.S. law.
Workers and technicians at the U.S. Army’s Pueblo Chemical Depot in Colorado and the Blue Grass Army Depot in Kentucky were selected as the 2023 Arms Control Persons of the Year.
These nominees and their outstanding efforts during the past year illustrate how many different people can, in a variety of creative and sometimes courageous ways, contribute to a safer world for the generations of today and tomorrow.
The Report of the Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States suggests that in response to Russia’s nuclear and military behavior and the anticipated growth of China’s strategic nuclear arsenal, the United States must be prepared to add more capability and flexibility to the U.S. strategic deterrent and enhance its missile defense capabilities.
Consideration by the Russian Duma to “de-ratify” the 1996 Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) would be a "clumsy, self-defeating gimmick," say nuclear nonproliferation experts with no effect on United States nuclear test ban policy.
Nongovernmental leaders in nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament, as well as high-level former government officials, scientists, and downwinders are calling on governments take urgent action to counter growing threats to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and the de facto global nuclear test moratorium.
Some types of lethal U.S. and European military assistance to Ukraine, including cluster munitions, would be escalatory, counterproductive, and only further increase the dangers to civilians caught in combat zones
"We encourage President Biden and his team to reinforce Mr. Sullivan’s remarks by asserting that more nuclear weapons make every person in every nation less secure, as well as emphasizing that the United States will exercise prudent nuclear restraint, persistently pursue disarmament diplomacy, and work together with the other major nuclear-armed states to achieve their collective nuclear disarmament responsibilities."
Sullivan will detail the President’s vision for heading off nuclear weapons competition, advancing nuclear arms control and nonproliferation measures, and reducing the risk of nuclear use. His keynote remarks come shortly after the May 19-21 Summit of G-7 Leaders in Hiroshima, Japan, the site of the first atomic bombing.