
<% Dim Total, Description Dim iSubscription, iContribution, iContributionOther iContribution = Int(Request("Contribution")) Description = "" Total = 0 If iContribution = -1 AND IsNumeric(Request("Other")) Then iContributionOther = Int(Request("other")) Total = Total + Int(Request("Other")) Description = Description + "Special Contribution of " + FormatCurrency(iContributionOther, 2) + ". " ElseIf iContribution = 65 Then Total = Total + iContribution Description = Description + "Regular Membership. " + FormatCurrency(iContribution, 2) + ". " ElseIf iContribution = 30 Then Total = Total + iContribution Description = Description + "Student Membership. " + FormatCurrency(iContribution, 2) + ". " ElseIf iContribution = 80 Then Total = Total + iContribution Description = Description + "International Associate. " + FormatCurrency(iContribution, 2) + ". " ElseIf iContribution = 100 Then Total = Total + iContribution Description = Description + "Contributing Membership. " + FormatCurrency(iContribution, 2) + ". " ElseIf iContribution = 250 Then Total = Total + iContribution Description = Description + "Supporting Membership. " + FormatCurrency(iContribution, 2) + ". " ElseIf iContribution = 500 Then Total = Total + iContribution Description = Description + "Leadership Ciricle. " + FormatCurrency(iContribution, 2) + ". " End If If Int(Request("Subscription")) <> "0" Then iSubscription = Int(Request("Subscription")) Total = Total + iSubscription If iSubscription = 60 Then Description = Description + "Individual Subscription. " + FormatCurrency(iSubscription, 2) + ". " ElseIf iSubscription = 75 Then Description = Description + "International Individual Subscription. " + FormatCurrency(iSubscription, 2) + ". " ElseIf iSubscription = 80 Then Description = Description + "Institutional Subscription. " + FormatCurrency(iSubscription, 2) + ". " ElseIf iSubscription = 85 Then Description = Description + "International Institutional Subscription. " + FormatCurrency(iSubscription, 2) + ". " End If End If %>

Order Confirmation

Total <%=FormatCurrency(Total, 2)%>
Description of Order <%=Description%>
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