Events and Remarks

Staff and experts with the Arms Control Association periodically host or participate in events to inform policymakers, journalists, and the public about important developments in arms control.

If you have any questions about our events or wish to secure a speaker, contact Tony Fleming, Director for Communications, at (202) 463-8270 ext. 110.

Below find remarks by Arms Control Association staff, board members, and experts at recent events.

Panelists: Steven Hildreth, Philip E. Coyle III, and Greg Thielmann

Remarks by ACA Executive Director Daryl G. Kimball at the First Annual Strategic Deterrence Symposium on July 29, 2009.

(Washington, D.C.): From July 6-8, U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Dimitry Medvedev will meet in Moscow. A top goal will be to evaluate and advance progress on the negotiation of a new agreement to replace the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), which is due to expire on December 5. Talks on the follow-on agreement began in April.

Morning Panel: "Advancing U.S. Nonproliferation and Disarmament Leadership" featuring ACA Executive Director Daryl Kimball, Thomas Pickering, Joe Cirincione, and Joan Rohlfing (Continue)

Speaker Luncheon - "Advancing U.S. Nonproliferation and Disarmament Leadership" with Gary Samore, Special Assistant to President Obama and White House Coordinator for Arms Control and Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism

ACA Executive Director Daryl Kimball and Former Assistant Secretary of State Stephen Rademaker debate the merits of ratifying the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty at the Center for Strategic and International Studies

Statement by Representatives of Non-Governmental Organizations on the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) to the Preparatory Meeting for the 2010 Review Conference for the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

Moderator - ACA Executive Director Daryl Kimball Speakers- Sidney Drell, Ambassador James Goodby, and Ambassador Tibor Tóth

Panelists - Hans Kristensen, Ambassador Linton Brooks, Greg Thielmann, and Daryl G. Kimball

Remarks for M.I.T. Workshop on Internationalizing Uranium Enrichment Facilities by Daryl G. Kimball, Executive Director (Continue)

Event transcript of a discussion between Henry Sokolski and Sharon Squassoni moderated by Daryl G. Kimball.
Presentation by Daryl G. Kimball delivered at the Ettore Majorana Centre, Erice, Sicily.
Press briefing to address key issues before the international community on the controversial proposal and outline key conditions and restrictions that would reduce the adverse impacts on nonproliferation.

A public event co-sponsored by the United States Institute for Peace, the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies and the Arms Control Association.

Keynote by Ambassador Sergio Duarte, with a panel featuring representatives from the Obama and McCain campaigns.

Presentation to the HBF-ACA Seminar, Berlin
Presentation for Roundtable Discussion, Carnegie Moscow Center
Presentation by Daryl G. Kimball for the Korea Economic Institute
Lunchtime Semiar by ACA and The Verification Research, Training and Information Centre (VERTIC)
Event with Ellen Tauscher, Edward Ifft, John Steinbruner and Daryl G. Kimball
Prepared Remarks by Wade Boese, Research Director, Arms Control Association
Transcript with remarks from Sidney Drell, Steve Fetter and Daryl G. Kimball