Events and Remarks

Staff and experts with the Arms Control Association periodically host or participate in events to inform policymakers, journalists, and the public about important developments in arms control.

If you have any questions about our events or wish to secure a speaker, contact us at [email protected] or at (202) 463-8270.

Below find remarks by Arms Control Association staff, board members, and experts at recent events.

Presentation by Daryl G. Kimball for the Korea Economic Institute
Lunchtime Semiar by ACA and The Verification Research, Training and Information Centre (VERTIC)
Event with Ellen Tauscher, Edward Ifft, John Steinbruner and Daryl G. Kimball
Prepared Remarks by Wade Boese, Research Director, Arms Control Association
Transcript with remarks from Sidney Drell, Steve Fetter and Daryl G. Kimball
Transcript with remarks from Ambassador John S. Duncan, Ambassador Roald Naess, Stephen Goose and Daryl G. Kimball
Keynote by Rep. Howard Berman, with a panel featuring Robert Gallucci, Matthew Bunn and Jack Mendelsohn
Statement by Oliver Meier, International Representative of the Arms Control Association, to the Sixth Review Conference of the States-Parties to the Biological Weapons Convention
Prepared Remarks by Daryl G. Kimball to the ICAS 2006 Fall Symposium on Korean Peninsula Issues

Since North Korea expelled international nuclear inspectors in late 2002, the international community has sought to persuade Pyongyang to halt and eliminate its nuclear weapons activities, which pose a serious threat to regional and international peace and stability. Although five countries (China, Japan, Russia, South Korea, and the United States) reached a September 2005 agreement with North Korea committing it to abandon its nuclear programs of concern, there has been little progress toward this goal. Indeed, Pyongyang has continued to operate its nuclear facilities and launched a round of ballistic missile tests in early July. The distinguished panel will make recommendations on what can be done to revitalize the deteriorating diplomatic process and make progress toward denuclearization in North Korea. (Continue)

Presentation by Daryl G. Kimball to 18th UN Conference on Disarmament Issues in Yokohama, Japan
Presentation by Daryl G. Kimball to the 18th UN Conference on Disarmament Issues in Yokohama, Japan
American Enterprise Institute Panel Featuring ACA Executive Director Daryl G. Kimball
Arms Control Association Press Roundtable
Arms Control Association Press Briefing
Oral Testimony and Prepared Remarks of Daryl G. Kimball Before the House International Relations Committee
Presentation by ACA Research Director to Brainstorming Session on "Promoting Disarmament and Nonproliferation: Exploring New Perspectives and Evolving Consensus"
Prepared Remarks of ACA Research Director to 4th Annual U.S. Missile Defense Conference
Arms Control Association Panel Discussion
Presentation by ACA Executive Director Daryl G. Kimball to VERTIC Seminar on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
Statement by ACA Executive Director Daryl G. Kimball on behalf of the Non-Governmental Organizations