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Emerging Technology
The unregulated development and deployment of emerging technologies—referring to scientific and technical developments that, if applied in the military sphere, could have transformative effects on the future of warfare in unpredictable and potentially hazardous, destabilizing ways—could increase the risk of accidental and unintended conflict escalation. Whether manifested in new domains, new applications, or new military capabilities, these technologies can include hypersonic weapons, artificial intelligence-enabled capabilities, cyberspace operations, counterspace capabilities, and the like.
The Arms Control Association (ACA), in conjunction with other experts and organizations, has proposed various measures to reduce such risks, as laid out in issue briefs, reports, articles in Arms Control Today, and more. To receive updates on developments in this field, join today or sign up for our regular updates list.
- Wade Boese
In a budget request just shy of $380 billion, the Defense Department is asking to spend $9.1 billion on missile defense in fiscal year 2004, according to a February 3 presentation by a top Pentagon official...
- Wade Boese
The United States is exploring concepts for basing missile interceptors in space with the objective of beginning deployment of three to five armed satellites...
- Wade Boese
CD Ends Year Without Negotiations
- Wade Boese
CD Inches Closer to Starting Negotiations
- George Bunn and John B. Rhinelander
- Wade Boese
Pentagon Keeps Satellite System, Nixes New Naval Missile Defense
- James Clay Moltz
- Theresa Hitchens
For nearly 40 years, there has been a gentlemen’s agreement among the world’s space-faring nations...