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Emerging Technology
The unregulated development and deployment of emerging technologies—referring to scientific and technical developments that, if applied in the military sphere, could have transformative effects on the future of warfare in unpredictable and potentially hazardous, destabilizing ways—could increase the risk of accidental and unintended conflict escalation. Whether manifested in new domains, new applications, or new military capabilities, these technologies can include hypersonic weapons, artificial intelligence-enabled capabilities, cyberspace operations, counterspace capabilities, and the like.
The Arms Control Association (ACA), in conjunction with other experts and organizations, has proposed various measures to reduce such risks, as laid out in issue briefs, reports, articles in Arms Control Today, and more. To receive updates on developments in this field, join today or sign up for our regular updates list.
- Timothy Farnsworth
China conducted “a non-destructive test of a missile designed to destroy satellites” on July 23, according to the U.S. State Department.
- Timothy Farnsworth
Despite revisions made during a series of meetings, it is unclear whether a proposed code of conduct for activities in outer space will attract the support of key countries.
- Timothy Farnsworth
A report by the Secure World Foundation has presented new evidence that a Chinese rocket launch last May was actually a test of a new anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon.
- Timothy Farnsworth
After a November meeting in Bangkok, countries are continuing their discussions to iron out the remaining differences over the EU-drafted code of conduct for space activities.
- Timothy Farnsworth
Two recent UN resolutions created a new group of governmental experts to follow up on an earlier study that reached consensus conclusions on some of the most contentious issues of state behavior in cyberspace.
- Timothy Farnsworth
Delegates from 87 countries meeting in Seoul in mid-October agreed on a framework for developing international cyberspace norms.
- Detlev Wolter
By agreeing on recommendations for confidence-building measures and by recognizing the applicability of international law to state behavior in cyberspace...
- Timothy Farnsworth
U.S. and Chinese officials met on July 8 to discuss cybersecurity issues between the two countries, including norms for state behavior in cyberspace, espionage, and intellectual theft.
- Timothy Farnsworth
A UN group of governmental experts for cyber issues reached a “landmark consensus” decision on how current international law applies to state behavior in cyberspace.