The Arms Control Association in the News

Article Title Cited News Outlet News Date
US won’t be pulled into nuclear arms race with Russia, China: Sullivan Arms Control Association Hill, The June 2, 2023
White House pushes P-5 agreement on missile launch notification, prods China to talk Arms Control Association Breaking Defense June 2, 2023
U.S. Will Try to Bring China Into Arms Control Talks Arms Control Association New York Times, The June 2, 2023
Report: Iran inching closer to building a nuclear bomb Kelsey Davenport i24NEWS June 1, 2023
An Iranian nuclear facility is so deep underground that US airstrikes likely couldn’t reach it Kelsey Davenport Alliance Review, The May 22, 2023
Biden Pays Silent Tribute to Victims of Hiroshima Bomb Daryl Kimball New York Times, The May 19, 2023
The world’s top chemical-weapons detectives just opened a brand-new lab Paul F. Walker Nature May 17, 2023
At Hiroshima, Leaders Should Choose to End All Nuclear Threats Daryl Kimball Scientific American May 17, 2023
Biden's leadership on nuclear disarmament to be tested in Hiroshima Daryl Kimball Kyodo News May 7, 2023
Biden Must Deliver on Disarmament at the G7 Summit in Hiroshima Daryl Kimball Just Security May 5, 2023
Biden Administration Bashes Beijing for North Korean Threat Thomas Countryman Politico April 27, 2023
A US-China War Over Taiwan? Michael Klare Nation, The April 26, 2023
Bipartisan US Bill Aims to Prevent AI From Launching Nuclear Weapons Arms Control Association Common Dreams April 26, 2023
A third nuclear age? What to expect from US-South Korea summit. Kelsey Davenport Alliance Review, The April 25, 2023
The US Has No Plans to Give Up Nuclear Weapons. The Public Needs to Change That. Daryl Kimball Truthout April 24, 2023
The Pentagon admitted that Abrams are not capable of turning the tide of fighting in Ukraine Gabriela Iveliz Rosa Hernández RBC April 21, 2023
Creating a Hypersonic Pentagon Budget Michael Klare Tomdispatch April 16, 2023
U.S. Stops Sharing Data on Nuclear Forces With Russia Daryl Kimball Wall Street Journal, The March 28, 2023
Air Force secretary labels China’s rapid nuclear expansion most ‘disturbing’ threat he has seen Arms Control Association Stars and Stripes March 28, 2023
The IAEA Just Bought Some Time for Nuclear Diplomacy With Iran Kelsey Davenport World Politics Review March 28, 2023
Factbox-Russia’s nuclear arsenal: how big is it and who controls it? Arms Control Association Reuters March 25, 2023
How Russia’s retreat from the Vienna Document information exchange undermines European security Gabriela Iveliz Rosa Hernández Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists March 24, 2023
Russia-Ukraine War Threatens to Trigger New Nuclear Arms Race Daryl Kimball Wall Street Journal, The March 22, 2023
North Korea's growing nuclear hoard and Kim's chilling 'first-use' doctrine to wage war Arms Control Association Daily Express (UK) March 17, 2023
AUKUS Submarines: What Are The Nuclear Proliferation Risks? Daryl Kimball Barrons March 15, 2023