"In my home there are few publications that we actually get hard copies of, but [Arms Control Today] is one and it's the only one my husband and I fight over who gets to read it first."
May 2003 Bibliography
Of Special Interest
Defense’s Nuclear Agency 1947-1997. Defense Threat Reduction Agency, U.S. Department of Defense, 2002, 458 pp.
Graham, Jr., Thomas and Damien J. LaVera. Cornerstones of Security: Arms Control Treaties in the Nuclear Era. University of Washington Press, 2003, 1487 pp.
I. Arms Control—General
Beck, Michael and Seema Gahlaut. “Creating a New Multilateral Export Control Regime,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, pp. 12-18.
Couch, Dick, ed. “The U.S. Armed Forces Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Survival Manual,” U.S. Armed Forces, 2003, 242 pp.
Ellis, Jason D. “The Best Defense: Counterproliferation and U.S. National Security,” The Washington Quarterly, Spring 2003, pp. 115-133.
Kelle, Alexander and Annette Schaper. “Terrorism Using Biological and Nuclear Weapons,” Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, April 2003, 37 pp.
II. Strategic Arms Control
Kucia, Christine. “Senate Endorses Nuclear Reductions Treaty; Duma Delays,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, pp. 30-31.
Pronina, Lyubov. “Putin Takes Reins of Russia’s Arms Industry,” DefenseNews, April 28, 2003, p. 11.
Sokov, Nikolai. “The Russian Nuclear Arms Control Agenda After SORT,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, pp. 7-11.
III. Missile Defense
Agüera, Martin. “U.S. Pushes for MEADS Restructuring,” DefenseNews, April 28, 2003, p. 4.
Boese, Wade. “Pentagon Claims PAC-3 Success Against Iraqi Missiles,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, p. 27.
Boese, Wade. “Pentagon, Levin Dispute Missile Defense Success, Testing,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, p. 40.
Goodman, Glenn W. “New Questions Surround Patriot Missile System,” DefenseNews, April 7, 2003, p. 8.
Ratnam, Gopal. “Delay May Slow Missile Defense Effort, Kadish Says,” DefenseNews, April 14, 2003, p. 34.
Ratnam, Gopal. “Lt. Gen. Ronald Kadish,” An Interview, DefenseNews, April 28, 2003, p. 30.
IV. WMD Proliferation
“Unclassified Report to Congress on the Acquisition of Technology Relating to Weapons of Mass Destruction and Advanced Conventional Munitions,” Central Intelligence Agency, April 10, 2003, 13 pp.
Cirincione, Joseph. “How Will the Iraq War Change Global Nonproliferation Strategies,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, pp. 3-6.
Gordon, Rose. “India, Pakistan Trade Tit-for-Tat Missile Tests,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, p. 41.
Hieber, Murray et al. “U.S. Plans to Sanction Pyongyang for Missile Sale,” The Wall Street Journal, March 31, 2003, p. A9.
Kralev, Nicholas. “Pakistan Purchases N. Korea Missiles,” The Washington Times, March 31, 2003, p. A1.
Mistry, Dinshaw. Containing Missile Proliferation: Strategic Technology, Security Regimes, and International Cooperation in Arms Control. University of Washington Press, 2003, 252 pp.
“U.S. Accuses Tehran of Secret Nuke Program,” The Washington Times, April 29, 2003, p. A13.
Kerr, Paul. “IAEA ‘Taken Aback’ By Speed of Iran’s Nuclear Program,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, p. 32.
“U.S. Levies Sanctions for Transfers to Iraq,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, p. 42.
Boese, Wade. “Unfinished Business in Iraq: IAEA and UNMOVIC Outline Remaining Tasks,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, pp. 21-25.
Boese, Wade. “U.S., Russia Spar Over Alleged Iraqi Arms Deals,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, p. 26.
Boese, Wade. “U.S. Might Use Landmines in Iraq; Future Policy Unclear,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, p. 27.
Broad, William J. “U.S. Civilian Experts Say Bureaucracy and Infighting Jeopardize Search for Weapons,” The New York Times, April 16, 2003, p. B2.
DeYoung, Karen and Colum Lynch. “U.S. to Offer Resolution to End Sanctions,” The Washington Post, April 25, 2003, p. A1.
Eisler, Peter and Cesar G. Soriano. “Iraq Scoured for Signs of Banned Arms,” USA Today, April 16, 2003, p. A5.
Fialka, John J. “U.S. to Deploy Army of Weapons Inspectors in Iraq,” The Wall Street Journal, April 17, 2003, p. A3.
Fialka, John J. and Yochi J. Dreazen. “Are Hints of ‘Smoking Gun’ in Iraq Enough for the U.S.?” The Wall Street Journal, April 18, 2003, p. A5.
Greenberger, Robert S. et al. “U.S., Europe Dispute Role of UN in Postwar Iraq,” The Wall Street Journal, April 4, 2003, p. A10.
Hersh, Seymour M. “Who Lied to Whom?” The New Yorker, March 31, 2003, pp. 41-43.
Kerr, Paul. “Coalition Forces Still Searching for WMD in Iraq,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, pp. 19-20.
Kimball, Daryl G. “A Perilous Precedent,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, p. 1.
Lemann, Nicholas. “How It Came to War,” The New Yorker, March 31, 2003, pp. 36-40.
Miller, Judith. “U.S. Inspectors Find No Forbidden Weapons at Iraqi Arms Plant,” The New York Times, April 16, 2003, p. B1.
Morgan, Dan. “Congress Passes $78.5 Billion Emergency Spending Bill for War,” The Washington Post, April 13, 2003, p. A9.
Schmitt, Eric. “Franks Foresees a Weapons Hunt at ‘Several Thousand Sites,’” The New York Times, April 28, 2003, p. A11.
Schmitt, Eric. “Rumsfeld Looking for Help in Finding Outlawed Arms,” The New York Times, April 18, 2003, p. B10.
Stogel, Stewart. “Rice Taps Inspector With Iraq Experience,” The Washington Times, April 18, 2003, p. A12.
North Korea
Fairclough, Gordon. “Seoul Demands North Korea Scrap Nuclear Weapons Goals,” The Wall Street Journal, April 28, 2003, p. A11.
French, Howard W. “North Korea’s Atomic Bravado Incites a Host of Skeptics,” The New York Times, April 19, 2003, p. A2.
Kessler, Glenn. “North Korea Says It Has Nuclear Arms,” The Washington Post, April 25, 2003 p. A1.
Kerr, Paul. “N. Korea’s Uranium Program Moving Ahead, Kelly Says,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, pp. 28-29, 39.
Margolis, Eric S. “The Greater Threat: A Menace Grows From Bush’s Korean Blind Spot,” The American Conservative, April 7, 2003, pp. 8-11.
Price, Howard Joyce. “Lugar Says N. Korea Nukes Beg War Option,” The Washington Times, April 21, 2003, p. A1.
Sanger, David E. “North Koreans and U.S. Plan Talks in Beijing Next Week,” The New York Times, April 16, 2003, p. A1.
Struck, Doug and Glenn Kessler. “Clashing Agendas Threaten Start of North Korea Talks Even If Parties Compromise Enough to Make Progress; U.S. Officials Disagree on Strategy,” The Washington Post, April 20, 2003, p. A12.
Struck, Doug and Bradley Graham. “U.S., Asian Allies Face Tough Choices, The Washington Post, April 25, 2003, p. A18.
Weisman, Steven R. “North Korea Said to Offer Small Nuclear Steps, At a Price,” The New York Times, April 29, 2003, p. A1
“Syria Won’t Allow Arms Inspections,” The Washington Post, April 18, 2003, p. A28.
Sands, David R. “Hawks Recycle Arguments for Iraq War Against Syria,” The Washington Times, April 16, 2003, p. A1.
V. Nuclear Nonproliferation
Levite, Ariel E. “Never Say Never Again: Nuclear Reversal Revisited,” International Security, Winter 2002/03, pp. 59-88.
VI. Nuclear Weapons Material Control
“More Security Needed at Russian Nuke Facilities,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, p. 42.
Kucia, Christine. “U.S., Russia Agree to Plutonium Reactor Shutdown,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, p. 39.
VII. Threat Reduction
Kucia, Christine. “Lugar, Hunter Lock Horns on Threat Reduction,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, pp. 34-35.
VIII. Chemical/Biological Weapons Issues
“The Chemical Weapons Convention at a Glance,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, pp. 45-46.
“Neutralization Approved for CW Destruction,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, p. 42.
Boyd, Kerry. “Six-Year-Old CWC Passes Some Tests and Fails Others,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, p. 43.
Boyd, Kerry. “U.S. Grapples With Use of Nonlethal Agents,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, p. 44.
Carter, Tom. “Weapons Treaty Outlaws Use of Tear Gas During War,” The Washington Times, March 30, 2003, p. A6.
Roberts, Guy B. “Arms Control Without Arms Control: The Failure of the Biological Weapons Convention Protocol and a New Paradigm for Fighting the Threat of Biological Weapons,” Institute for National Security Studies, March 2003, 112 pp.
Stern, Jessica. “Dreaded Risks and the Control of Biological Weapons,” International Security, Winter 2002/03, pp. 89-123.
Wade, Nicholas with Eric Schmitt. “U.S. Use of Tear Gas Could Violate Treaty, Critics Say,” The New York Times, April 5, 2003, p. B13.
Warrick, Joby and John Mintz. “Lethal Legacy: Bioweapons for Sale,” The Washington Post, April 20, 2003, p. A1.
IX. Conventional Arms Control
“CD Still Stalled by U.S., China Spat,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, p. 42.
Boese, Wade. “Talks Focus on Coping With Bombs When the Shooting Stops,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, p. 38.
Branigin, William. “Weapons Proliferate in Baghdad Bazaar,” The Washington Post, April 26, 2003, p. A16.
Raghuvanshi, Vivek. “India Aims to Build 6 Scorpenes,” DefenseNews, April 28, 2003, p. 3.
X. Arms Transfers
Boese, Wade. “Proposed Missile Defense Sale to India Still in Limbo,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, p. 36.
XI. U.S. Policy
“Radio SAWA Interview With John Bolton, Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs,” State Department Transcript, April 5, 2003, 3 pp.
Boese, Wade. “Republicans, Democrats Square Off on Approaches to Proliferation,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, p. 37.
Hartung, William D. “Prevention, Not Intervention: Curbing the New Nuclear Threat,” World Policy Journal, Winter 2002/03, pp. 1-11.
Svitak, Amy. “Bush Seeks More Control Over Arms Exports,” DefenseNews, March 31, 2003, p. 4.
Svitak, Amy. “Pentagon vs. State Department: DOD Seeks Greater Control Over Exports, Foreign Aid Funds,” DefenseNews, April 7, 2003, p. 1.
Nuclear Weapons Policy
“The Spratt-Furse Law on Mini-Nuke Development,” A Fact Sheet by the Union of Concerned Scientists, April 2003, 2 pp.
“The Troubling Science of Bunker-Busting Nuclear Weapons,” A Fact Sheet by the Union of Concerned Scientists, April 2003, 2 pp.
Kucia, Christine. “Administration Seeks Repeal of Ban on Nuclear Weapons Research,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, p. 33.
Kucia, Christine. “New Nuclear Policies, New Weapons, New Dangers,” Arms Control Association, April 28, 2003, 6 pp.
Kucia, Christine. “U.S. Scientists Studied, Rejected Nukes in Vietnam,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, p. 38.
Pincus, Walter. “Hill Told U.S. Favors More Nonnuclear Weapons,” The Washington Post, April 9, 2003, p. A18.
XII. Regional Security Alliances and Issues
South Asia
Lancaster, John. “Mulling Action, India Equates Iraq, Pakistan,” The Washington Post, April 11, 2003, p. A20.
Krepon, Michael with Christopher Clay. “Space Assurance or Space Dominance? The Case Against Weaponizing Space,” The Henry L. Stimson Center, 2003, 131 pp.
Kucia, Christine. “Conference Pledges to Curb Dirty Bomb Danger,” Arms Control Today, April 2003, p. 34.