The Week Ahead Jan. 20-27: Iran Nuclear Deal Implemented; Downwinders Day

WeekAheadSOLOThis bulletin highlights significant events in the world of arms control in the coming days, as compiled by staff and friends of the Arms Control Association.

For more news and analysis on these and other weapons-related security issues, consider subscribing to ACA's monthly journal Arms Control Today. The entire January/February 2014 issue is now available online for all ACA members and digital subscribers.

– the Editors at Arms Control Today

Jan. 20: First-phase of Iran nuclear agreement goes into effect

Formal implementation of the Nov. 24 agreement between the P5+1 and Iran to limit key elements of Iran's nuclear program in exchange for limited, reversible sanctions relief will begin on Jan. 20. The agreement on interpretation and sequencing of the first phase deal opens the way for talks on a comprehensive, final phase agreement.

For more information, see "Iran Nuclear Talks End With Agreement on Outstanding Issues," from Reuters, Jan. 10 and "Iran, P5+1 Prepare to Implement Deal" in the latest, Jan./Feb. issue of Arms Control Today.

Jan. 20: First IAEA monthly report on Iran issued (estimate)

As part of the Iran nuclear deal, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will start to issue monthly reports on Iran's nuclear program. The IAEA Board of Governors will meet in Vienna on Jan. 24 to discuss the Agency's role in monitoring and implementation of the agreement.

For information regarding the status of Iran's nuclear program from the most recent quarterly IAEA report, see the Nov. 14 blog post, "The November IAEA Report on Iran's Nuclear Program: No Significant Advances."

Jan. 22: Briefing on "Making Sense of the Iran Deal"

As the agreement goes into effect, backers of a controversial new Senate bill (S. 1881) that would put in place new sanctions on Iran and establish conditions for a final phase agreement are looking for ways to bring the legislation up for a vote over the opposition of President Obama and 10 of the 11 Democratic Senate committee chairs.

These and other issues will be explored at a briefing on January 22 from 10:00-11:00 a.m. by Alireza Nader, RAND; Daryl Kimball, Arms Control Association; and Paul Pillar, Georgetown University, "Making Sense of Nuclear Negotiations with Iran: A Good Deal or a Bad Deal?" The briefing is sponsored by RAND and will be held at 2168 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington. RSVP online.

Jan. 27: National Downwinders Day

Jan. 27 is National Downwinders Day, a "national day of remembrance for Americans who, during the Cold War, worked and lived downwind from nuclear testing sites and were adversely affected by the radiation exposure generated by the above ground nuclear weapons testing."

This year, "downwinders" from the Marshall Islands, the site of U.S. atmospheric nuclear testing, will mark the 60th anniversary of the highly damaging Castle Bravo test at a special "Nuclear Remembrance Day" at the Clinton Presidential Library on February 28.